Friday 11 December 2015


Posted by Joseph

So we'd be bidding farewell to yet another year in a matter of days. What a year 2015! 

Yes it hasn't been the perfect year. I made a few mistakes, blew some really good opportunities but I won't dwell on that. I refuse to nurse my wounds, there are far better things ahead than what's behind, life is about looking forward.

Despite the doom and gloom of 2015 there were some 'magic moments', pleasant experiences whenever I recall just warm the cockles of my heart.

Some of the highlights of my 2015 were in the hands of some really nice  people whom until out encounter I never imagined I would have any significant relationship with. Isn't it just sweet how people who you initially considered as strangers turn out to be the ones who make the greatest impression on you and make you smile. Some of those strangers have become friends.

As with other years you would have also had ugly experiences in the hands of people.

I remember using the public bus in April, as I got off my phone slipped from my pocket to my seat unbeknownst to me. When I realised I hurried back asking if anyone saw the phone on the seat I just vacated. A passenger who sat close to me said he did but handed it to another passenger who claimed he was the owner, the guy took the phone,  got off and disappeared. I was gutted! 

That was just one of several acts of wickedness that happens everyday around us on a global scale. We've also seen humans unleash terror on their fellow humans through massive bomb attacks.

I'm sure you saw the new James Bond movie in Paris in November where 130 people lost their lives and are aware of the continuous bloodshed in northern Nigeria. The California massacre also comes to mind.

It's a shame these despicable monsters have chosen to live their lives lusting over human blood.

Despite what ISIS, Al-shabab, Boko Haram and other cold-hearted individuals (like the madman who stole my phone) make us think, I'm convinced there are still many good and extraordinary sweet human beings on this planet. People who just light up the world with their warmth and kindness. I'm lucky to have met a few this year.

July 2015, I was at the movies but things were not okay, I was broke. Out of the blue I received this message on my phone from Ms Wamb that read; "...send me your account details.. ". I hadn't met her (we still haven't met) but this was a fallout of our previous discussion.
We never spoke about money in that chat but somehow she noticed there was something wrong. If you've ever received such kind of message, you know the feeling right? She was indeed a lifesaver. Till date she still reaches out to me from miles away.

Shout-out to you Ms Wamb, I'll let you know when next I'm going to the movies.

Some months back I applied for an internship and was more than certain I'd get the offer because not only did I meet all the criteria, it was non-competitive. When feedback from the company wasn't forthcoming I went back there to ask questions only to be told that my application letter was 'missing' because I refused to bribe.
I was in indignation when Mr. Mohammed popped into the office, apparently he was a senior staff and found out what was happening. After that, it didn't take long for my 'missing' application to be found.

Mr. Mohammed didn't only ensure I got the placement instantly, he offered me kind words of encouragement (as a father would to his son) which I still hold on to.

This was in 2014 but how could I ever forget Ozede who threw his door open and fed me for two weeks during my time in an unfamiliar town, putting his good relationship with his landlord on the line in the process.
Although it was never my intention to bug anybody, Ozede stood up for me behind my back. Such a good soul!
He taught me the lesson of risk taking in friendship. It got me thinking: how genuine is my friendship with others if I always shy away from taking (reasonable) risks for them.

"Making a hundred friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a simple friend who will stand by your side even when hundred are against you" - Torin Rush

There were also those who boosted my confidence when I needed it the most with their genuinely kind remarks. Some of them were complete strangers but they will always have a place in my heart.

It's sad but true that there are many who will continue to stagnate until they get people's validation. Some will always doubt their abilities until they're told they can do it.

I take an exception to this but I met many people who were unselfish with their eulogy. Each time they spoke to me it gave me a lift. You needed to see the spring in my steps. Others offered constructive criticisms which for the most part I pretended not to agree with but always considered in my 'me time'.

There have been peaks and troughs in my relationship with people in the last 11 months. I don't regret anything. The unpleasant experiences didn't just happen to me, they happened for me! I have learnt from every experience and grown and still growing.

If you aren't really a people's person, you might be an introvert or even a 'mixtrovert' (like myself) - a phrase I just invented which means that you can be introverted one minute and switch back to being an extrovert with relative ease the next minute. All I'd say is be careful but open to friendship. Some people come into out lives, leave footprints in out hearts (like they did mine) and we are never the same.

As a new year beckons, dare to dream, plan, execute, expand, grow, sharpen your skills, better yourself, keep pushing but never fail to touch the lives of others even with the simplest but rarest gestures, that's one of the reasons you've been blessed - to be a blessing.

It's always not going to be convenient but you can give some advise, make a phone call and put in a good word for someone whenever possible,  you can use your influence to help others succeed.

There are so many others in our lives we can't thank enough especially family. Many of them and others remain integral to our continuous rise to success. Here is to all of them:

I hope you meet tons of beautiful people who will light up your world and make you smile in the coming year.

So cheers to 2015 and cheers to an even greater 2016.